Because It's Time NETwork or Because It's There NETwork , A network of educational sites separate...
BMPA resolution-dependent file format for images created by Windows Paint, PaintBrush, and other...
BackboneA high-speed line or series of connections that forms a major pathway within a network. The term...
Background ImageThese are images which are designed to sit in the background of a web page so that all other...
Background soundA sound file that you associate with a page. When the page is displayed in a Web browser, the...
Backup/RestoreThe process of copying files so that they are preserved in the case of equipment failure or...
BandwidthBandwidth is the amount of data that can be transferred over the network in a fixed amount of...
BaudUnit of signaling speed equal to the number of discrete signal elements transmitted per second....
BenchmarkA test used to compare performance of hardware and/or software.
BinaryPertaining to a number system that has just two unique digits.Computers are based on the binary...
BinhexBINary HEXadecimal , A method for converting non-text files (non-ASCII) into ASCII.This is needed...
BitBinary DigIT , A single digit number in base-2, in other words, either a 1 or a zero.The smallest...
BookmarkNearly all web browsers support a bookmarking feature that lets you save the address (URL) of a...
BpsBits-Per-Second , A measurement of how fast data is moved from one place to another. A 28.8 modem...
Broken hyperlinkA hyperlink that does not correctly point to a page or other Internet file. A broken hyperlink...
BrowserClient software that is used to look at various kinds of Internet resources. Examples include...
Bulletin board BBSBulletin Board System ,A computerized meeting and announcement system that allows people to carry...
ByteA set of Bits that represent a single character. Usually there are 8 Bits in a Byte, sometimes...