Dedicated telecommunications line providing 1.5 Mbps of bandwidth. Consists of 24 individual...
T-3Dedicated telecommunications line providing 44 Mbps of bandwidth. T3 lines are capable of...
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol , This is the suite of protocols that defines...
TIFFTagged Image File Format , A tag-based image format. TIFF is designed to promote universal...
TLDA Top Level Domain (TLD) is the uppermost in the hierarchy of domain names. There are two types...
TableOne or more rows of cells on a page used to organize the layout of a page or arrange data...
Tag SelectionA method of selecting a group of paragraphs and other objects on a page. Use tag selection to...
TclTool command language. Simple scripting language and library often used for GUI,...
TelnetCharacter-based protocol for connecting with remote systems. You can use the Telnet application...
TemplateA set of designed formats for text and images on which web pages can be based.
TerabyteIn data communications, a terabyte equals 1024 gigabytes (i.e. 1024*1024*1024*1024 bytes ), Byte...
TerminalA device that allows you to send commands to a computer somewhere else. At a minimum, this...
Terminal ServerA special purpose computer that has places to plug in many modems on one side, and a connection...
ThumbnailA small version of an image on a World Wide Web page, often containing a hyperlink to a full-size...
TrademarkAs it relates to domain names , a word, phrase or slogan used to identify and distinguish the...
TransferTotal amount of data transferred from the customer's Web site to clients. Includes all HTML, Web...
Transfer (Domain Name)On occasion, domains are sold to another organization or sometimes the name of a company might...