My website suddenly became offline, Please help ..

In some cases, your website hosted with us may appear offilne to you becuase your IP address got blocked by our firewall.

You can confirm being the firewall blockingby pinging your domain name. If it does't reply, then you are most likely blocked.

Some possible causes of getting blobked by our firewall :

  • Using a software, like some ftp clients, on your pc that opens too many simultaneous connections to the server. To fix this issue, you need to modify your ftp-program max concurrent connections for every site you connect to.
  • Multiple Attempts to login into your cpanel or webmail with wrong username or password.

If you have a dynamic IP, Please restart your internet connection device to get a new one. If you are using a static IP, please submit and I will remove it from our firewall block list.

  • 199 Benutzer fanden dies hilfreich
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