How to setup email filters in cPanel?

You can use e-mail filters to block unwanted messages based upon a certain set of conditions. For example, you can specify that messages containing a certain word or phrase are deleted automatically or routed to another e-mail address. The e-mail filters that you create are cumulative: if an e-mail message passes through one filter, it can still be blocked by a subsequent filter.

There are two types of e-mail filters that you can create:

  • User-level filtering: You can configure e-mail filters for specific e-mail accounts.
  • Account-level filtering: You can configure e-mail filters that apply to all e-mail accounts for the domain.

To create an e-mail filter for an e-mail account, follow these steps:

  1. In the Mail section of the cPanel home screen, click User Level Filtering or Account Level Filtering.
  2. If you are configuring a user-level filter, locate the account for which you want to add a filter, and then click Manage Filters.
  3. Click Create a New Filter.
  4. In the Filter Name text box, type the filter name.  
  5. Under Rules, specify the filter rules. For example, to filter e-mail messages that contain the word buy in the subject:  
    • In the first list box, select Subject.
    • In the second list box, select contains.
    • Type buy in the text box.
  6. Click the + icon to add another rule.
  7.   Under Actions, select the action that the filter should perform if rule conditions are matched. You can specify multiple actions.
  8. Click Create.

Testing an e-mail filter

TIP: After you have created a filter, you should test it to make sure that it filters what you intended.

To test an e-mail filter, follow these steps:

  1. In the Mail section of the cPanel home screen, click User Level Filtering or Account Level Filtering.
  2. If you are configuring a user-level filter, locate the account that has the filter you want to test, and then click Manage Filters.
  3. In the Filter Test text box, type a test e-mail message.
  4. Click Test Filter. The Filter Trace page shows if any rule conditions were met, and whether or not any actions will be taken.


  • email filter, video tutorial
  • 202 Uživatelům pomohlo
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